Weight 271.6
Ok, the fun is over... I never can eat right for very long.... oh, I'm still on track and staying within 1800 calories a day, but geesh.... Sometimes I have this overwhelming urge to bury my head in a big bowl of ice cream and homemade brownies...
Like last night. I love my job but I guess carrying around these 100 extra pounds exhausts me, because when I get home at 8pm, I'm soooo utterly exhausted, I'm almost paralyzed. I always eat.... Just like a smoker smokes to relieve stress, I have no doubt that I am the same with food. So last night, when I got home I just ate a handful of raisins... Shortly thereafter, I realized that I was not hungry, just tired. So I went to bed at 8:30 or so and slept perfectly till 4am...
I used to attend Overeaters Anonymous, and they taught me to never get to HALT..... Always remember HALT.... Never get to Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired..... Those are the times when the addiction or old bad habits want to surface.
I'm thankful for the small weight loss but of course wish I could go to sleep and wake up in 6 months 50 lbs lighter.
On tap for today-- a 4 mile walk and heading to Chattanooga at 3:30pm for a long weekend. That will be interesting. We always eat out when we go down there.... ugh. But I do plan to walk the nice long Greenway each day that I'm there. So for today, even though I'm not exactly thrilled to be hungry, I am hanging in there.
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