It didn't take a mathematician to know that a 9 hour half-ironman x 2 does not = 16.5 hour cutoff for the full ironman. So after discussing it with the hubs, I decided to drop out of the full ironman in September. Yes, I had spent nearly 800 dollars to register; no I can't get a refund... But, fact is, it would be impossible to make that kind of improvement in just one summer. So, I announced on fb to my friends that I wouldn't be moving on with the training for the full ironman. Instead I would work on weight loss, and getting my half ironman faster. Yes. That was the new plan. Which was ok. Except it wasn't.
I felt a little lost. With no long bike rides or runs, or rivers to conquer, what to do?
A little exercise here and there, but overall too much food and too little movement and zero drive or motivation.
About 2 weeks after the half-ironman, I decided to register for the Mach Tenn sprint triathlon. Simply paying the money and clicking the "submit" button was just what I needed to once again get moving consistently.
I had one week to swim, bike and run to get ready for the triathlon.
The Mach Tenn triathlon was awesome! It was a gorgeous day, a beautiful venue. The swim was 0.7 mile swim, 15 mile bike and 4 mile run. My swim, as expected, was slow at 30 minutes. It was my fastest bike ever with a pace of 15.2 mph. The run? Well, I think it was 1:03 so just under 16 min miles which is typical. At least I ran a little bit of it-- unlike my 13.1 mile walk at the half-ironman. The thing I will always remember about Mach Tenn tri is that I loved it. As I was "running" I saw triathletes encouraging each other, encouraging me, and I encouraged others. I love triathlon. Who cares if I'm slow. I love love love love triathlon! It makes me happy and makes me feel good. I knew, out there on that rolling run course that morning, that I had made a decision...... (Wait. It's coming.)
After the triathlon Tony and I packed up and headed home. I was on a high! I had received 3rd place in Athena! Yes yes, there were only 3 of us in that category... Sigh... But so what! My happiness and newfound reminder of how much I love triathlon was only dampened slightly the next day when I realized that I was DFL overall. (DFL-- dead $&%# last)
So. Moving on...
I talked with the hubs. And we talked and we talked. And then we talked some more. And we made some compromises. Oh wait-- I need to back up. A week or so after the half-ironman, a local very experienced triathlete who I greatly respect, sent me a private message and told me to go ahead and try the full. He said since I can't get my money back, may as well start and see how far I can get. At least I will get the experience. I kept mulling that over in my mind....
So the hubs and I talked. And we biked a few times until he declared biking absurd and has retired to only running with me :-)
And we made the decision-- ok so I made the decision-- but it was with his blessing (ok, maybe just support), to move forward with training for the full Ironman Chattanooga in September.
The first thing I did was hire a coach. I'm fortunate to be working with Meredith Atwood, aka Swimbikemom. I first found her blog by accident in February 2013. I've been a loyal groupie ever since-- following her journey, buying all the Swimbikemom gear, etc. Last year Meredith got her USAT coaching certificate. She's going to be a great coach because she has the experience of doing 2 ironman (with her 3rd coming up in a few weeks), and yet she has had her own struggle with weight and self doubt. She understands my brain. I will never forget the first time I met her in 2013 at the Acworth GA Women's Triathlon. It was like meeting a movie star!
So! I think that's about it. I have a coach who tells me what to do each day, and for the most part, I'm doing what she says. I'm learning to walk fast since clearly I walk a lot of the "run" in a triathlon. Two days a week I speed walk and two days I run. Plus bike, and swim.
I'm eating better too, and seeing some weight loss. I'm very close to weighing less than I've weighed in 20 years. Which is a huge deal for me!
So. 90 days. 90 days until Ironman Choo. I have a lot of work to do to be ready. And I might not finish. But I'll do my best, and I will have fun. And really, isn't that what triathlon is all about anyways? Doing our best and enjoying the opportunity and blessing of swimming, biking and running.